Det obligatoriska i att påbjuda det goda och förbjuda det onda med exempel från Koranen och Sunnah och starka kvinnor i islams historia.Författare: Shaikh Fadl
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Det obligatoriska i att påbjuda det goda och förbjuda det onda med exempel från Koranen och Sunnah och starka kvinnor i islams historia.
Författare: Shaikh Fadl Elahi
Förlag: Darussalam
Bindning: Mjukpärm
Språk: Engelska
Antal sidor: 144
Information från förlaget
The Ummah will never achieve its superiority, or gain its strength and nobility, or succeed in prosperity unless each individual, every man and woman, undertake their duties to the best of their capabilities among the most important of these being to enjoin good and forbid evil.
However, it can be seen that many who are aware of the responsibility to enjoining good and forbidding evil and its importance limit this duty, either in thinking and in practice, or just in practice to the role of men and not women.
They think that there is no demand on the woman for this religious duty in any way.
This entails corruption and ruin which cannot be hidden from those who have intellect and insight; the man who is responsible for the home may leave for the masjid to pray to his lord, while his children, in the presence of his wife, see and hear that which Allah has forbidden.